John Wanamaker, who many consider the father of modern marketing in America once stated he knew “half the money he spent in advertising was wasted, but he didn’t know which half .


In effect, John was saying that he knew he was spending twice what he should be spending on advertising but was unsure where to make any specific budget cuts and still achieve the same results. Sure he could see the impact of advertising at the back end but which strategies were leading to these results? You could run circulars, newspaper ads or even advertise on television to a wide audience hoping to create interest in your products and services. Today, modern marketers have many more tools to gauge the effectiveness of their marketing. Especially in the digital marketing arena. John Wannamaker would have been please,



Today, modern website analytics software can provide you a wealth of knowledge about your customers – if you care to listen


In my experience Google Analytics can provide effective and low-cost data to determine exactly which digital marketing efforts are bringing actionable results.


What about Google Analytics?


Google analytics is a website platform provided by Google, in most cases free of charge

Google Analytics is a premium web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic, currently as a platform inside the Google Marketing Platform brand.

Just some of the insights Google Analytics can provide you include:

  1. What search terms and social media sites are bringing traffic to your website.
  2. What are the demographics and location of your website visitors.
  3. Which pages are they visiting and for how long?
  4. Which website visitors are taking a desired action, like completing a sale?


With data from Google Analytics you can easily gauge the effectiveness of paid social media advertising, your search engine optimization efforts and your long term trends. With so much actionable data available using Google Analytics, why aren’t most people taking advantage of what Google offers? It can’t be cost because there is no cost associated. Google Analytics is relatively easy to install on your website, so that shouldn’t be a problem. In my rears of experience, I have found that many small businesses do not fully understand the benefit of analyzing their website traffic. They seem to be comfortable navigating in the dark.


Let 2019 be the year you fully understand the benefit of website analytics.

As an Orlando SEO company. Taylortown wants Orlando small businesses to know their website data and make well informed marketing decisions based on actionable insights. Start using the free tools that Google has created to move your business to the next level. It’s easy to do and we are going to help.

In fact for the rest of 2019, Taylortown SEO will install Google Analytics on your website for free. That’s right Free! Just give us a call at (321) 230-3197 and we can schedule a time to set it up. Get insights on your website visitors behavior for free.




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